Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ladies Please Stop!!

Hey hey!!!
So this is a little rant on what us ladies do to each other. We put each other down all the time... could be behind their back or in front of their face. Its not OK either way!

First stop frigging comparing yourself to someone else. Everyone is different in every way. Don't think she's better because she has bigger boobs and don't think you are better because you have a flatter stomach. I say this to my 5 year old all the time "if everyone was the same how boring would that be" Comparing is not worth it.. Embrace what you got and compliment what they have.

Stop bullying each other. Girls are the worse.. I know this because I am one. And I won't lie I have said things before, when I was self conscious. We are in a world now where its so easy to pick one another apart. Imagine a world where we bring each other up. Could u imagine if we didn't judge girls on clothing,style, makeup, hair, body ???? Everyone does it but we really shouldn't. Everyone also knows what its like to be judged and how bad it sucks. Females have enough shit to look at online, in magazine and on TV... we really need to compliment each other. A compliment will go a lot further then an insult. Stop the whispers. Stop the chats with your girlfriends. Stop the pointing. Its sad to think that its so easy talking about how much that girl gained weight but fuck if something was said about your own body or clothing you'd be a couple things.. hurt, upset, no confidence. In my opinion the more you talk about others the more you are unhappy with yourself. So become a better person, love yourself and you will love everyone else.

I remember a time when I hung out with more guys than girls. Way less drama and I had way more confidence (even though my confidence sucked then.. it was better lol) How absolutely sad is that! Now mind you these guys cared more about where they were going to skate next then what I was wearing but still...  How many girls say they hate girls.. they hate hanging out with girls, they would much rather hang out with guys?? Its so sad. Girls are so much fun. I am so happy to have so many girlfriends that I absolutely love to hang out with.

Anyways just a short little blog on a rant on what so many girls do and shouldn't!

Stay True
Stay You
Stay Confident

Julie ♥

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