Sunday, May 3, 2015

I Hope..

I hope you don't look back with regret
I hope you did everything you wanted
I hope you laughed until you cried... or peed your pants
I hope you cried less in life then you laughed
I hope you danced to your favorite songs
I hope you sang loudly even though you're not a great singer
I hope you put that lipstick on
I hope you found your favorite shade of lipstick
I hope you dressed up in a fancy dress
I hope you rocked those faded ripped jeans
I hope you fell in love more than once
I hope you had your heart broken at least once
I hope you had that piece of cake
I hope you had that "ugly cry" night in bed with a sappy movie and a thing of ice cream
I hope that store had your favorite ice cream
I hope you kissed a perfect stranger
I hope people showed you respect and if they didn't you demanded it
I hope you had friends you could be silly with
I hope you explored
I hope you felt unconditional love
I hope you ate junk food in your friends living room with a group of girls wrapped up in blankets watching episodes of Sex and the City.
I hope your heart skipped a beat for that guy
I hope you smiled
And that you are still smiling
I hope you forgave, forgot and moved on
I hope you apologized
I hope you were confident
I hope you were true to what you believed
I hope you stood up for yourself
I hope you found a friend to tell all your secrets too
I hope you had dance parties in the basement, kitchen, deck or garage
I hope your friends trust you
I hope you went to the beach
I hope you enjoyed the little things
I hope you didn't live a lie
I hope you were happy
I hope you lived
I hope you went on road trips with you girl friends and on the way home from the crazy weekend you all had just enough life left to give er to that awesome bar song in the car... at least twice.
I hope you felt sexy
I hope you were a Killer Queen
I hope you felt every emotion
I hope when hearing at least 1-2 songs it brings back major memories and all you can do is laugh/smile
I hope you had a time of just drinking, partying... being young
I hope you spent quality time with loved ones
I hope you played hard but not too hard that it fucked up your life
I hope you felt wanted
I hope you had the time of your life

Julie ♥
Stay you
Stay true
Stay confident

P.S. Cleanse going well, in case anyone was wondering. Also booked my appt for my first big piece tattoo and sooo excited!!!

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