Sunday, April 26, 2015

What I know at 30

Cannot make everyone happy- Not everyone will be happy with your choices. That's okay! If you are happy and not hurting anyone then don't worry about it. Someone is always going to have something to say. Shake it off and move on. Just keep smiling.

I Will NEVER look like I did at 20- Oh my early 20's... pleasantly plump! Ass round and sitting up nicely. Boobs that exact same as my ass. I won't have that body again..ever. It's ok. I've enjoyed more pizza then I should have these past 10 years ;) I had a daughter, carried for 9 months in this body. Things will never sit up like they did but I had 10 + years of good times. I have stretch marks, which I never tried taking away with creams. They are my markings of weight gain,weight loss and pregnancy. They are what I call my "journey marks." All of this I am proud of and embrace. I am 30, not 20. I will not wish or fantasize about looking like the 20 year old me. I will be the most beautiful, sexy and fabulous 30 year old I can be.

I can say No- Kinda going back to "making people happy"... if I have no time or I just don't want to do something.. I FINALLY learned that I can say no. The worse situation is doing something you don't want or being somewhere you don't want to be. It's okay to say "no." And you don't need excuses or a huge explanation. It's simple. I went out of my way far too many times for people who just turned around and pretty much shit on me. I say no a lot more often than I use too and I'm a lot less stressed with less anxiety.

Keeping Up- I do not need to "keep up" with the "Jones'." I do not feel the need to keep up with friends or family. I do not need equal to what they have nor do I need better. I hope to hell all my friends know I would never expect that from them either. We are a blue collared family. We live simple. We enjoy the simple things in life. If I tried to keep up with everyone we'd be broke, pissed and tired. I do not judge people for what they have or don't have, I'd like to be around those who do the same. For those who needed me to "keep up" are no longer around and that I am grateful for.

I will no longer wait- From since I can remember I was always waiting. Waiting to drop 10-20-30 pounds before buying that outfit, going on that trip or wearing a bathing suit. I will no longer wait. Life is too short to put it on hold. I refuse to lose weight before buying a new outfit. I will be at the beach with my daughter... in a bathing suit. I will go on trips and attend anything I want. My weight does not define me. My life and your life is too short to wait any longer.

I don't care- You don't like me, don't be around me. Don't like how I parent my child, you are not her parent. You don't like me wearing that cause you can see where my roll is, don't look. You don't like my relationship with my husband, worry about yours. Don't like my car, job, home, hair, friends, my family... I don't  care. I am living my life the way I want too. If you lived your life the way everyone else wanted you too, how boring. How sad. What kind of life is that for you?

Moisturize- Take care of your skin. Take your makeup off before bed. Use sunscreen. Moisturize!

Friends- A lot went, some stayed. I have a great group of friends that I love and trust and am completely comfortable around. I don't have a bunch of friends but the ones I have are all I need. Smaller group, less drama. Drama sucks. Do I feel the need to make new friends? No. But I welcome anyone with open arms. We will see if they are around in 5 years. I love people. I am a people person, but not everyone is my friend. I learned through the years not to trust so easily.

Family comes first- My daughter will get what she needs before my husband and I get what we "want." I will miss out on late nights with friends because I need to be up early in the am with my 5 year old. Hang overs last a lot longer than a few hours now. My husband is my best friend. I would pick a night of chats and a date with him then anything else. He is at the end of the day, the one who is there for me no matter what. I would drop anything for these two people. I will also fight, protect and defend them at any time. My family will always come first.

I am Good Enough- I'm good enough for any person, any clothing line, any job and any event. I am good enough for anything. So are you!

Stay true
Stay you
Stay confident

Julie  ♥♥♥

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Life Style

I, as you already know, am quite confident and happy in my own skin. With that being said it doesn't mean I wouldn't like to drop a few pounds. Starting tomorrow I am doing a three week cleanse. Do not get this confused with a detox. I need to eat and on this cleanse I eat 5-6 times a day. Its just a very planned out meal. My husband is actually joining in and doing it with me which will make it so much easier!!!  So yup Ill weigh myself tomorrow and then again every monday morning. Not sure what I would like to do after the cleanse, thats something for me to think about.
I have been on every diet going let me tell ya! I've lost lots and put it back on, this happened more then once in my life. For something to stick and work it needs to be a life style that you can do. Hopefully its something I figure out after this 3 weeks.
I am not looking to quickly lose a bunch of weight, quick fixes last like the ice cream in your fridge haha. I am also not looking to lose a BUNCH of weight. I would like to see 30-40 pounds come off gradually. Any more is a bonus.
Its not easy changing your life style. Some say it is but I feel they are the ones who ever had to change much. Its a difficult journey. Summer is coming... bbq's, drinks, camping... all that fun stuff. I refuse to stop enjoying what I love to lose weight. Although I love ice cream but that def isn't an everyday treat nor will it be on this journey of dropping pounds.
Im giving myself goals and rewards. I am not going to reward myself with food. I love tattoos and would love to be completely covered in art. My first 20 pds Im getting my shoulder cap tattoo! * I got my "tattoo jar" started haha*
I will not stress about losing weight or stress if what I see on the scale is not the loss I wanted.  I may stress if its taking too long to get the tattoo I want ;)
Self Image... what do you feel good in? How do you like your hair? Do you like to wear makeup? Do you dress up or down? Do you love/hate tattoos? Do you hate/love piercings? Whatever your answer is is what you need to do. Figure out you then it will all fall into place. Once you are completely happy with the image you flaunt you will no longer care what those think of it. Its yours and you need and should own it!

Stay true
Stay you
Stay confident


P.S. totally pumped got a bathing suit top that actually has wire support for the tatas! Huge deal ... HUGE! and I found this along walmart for 22$. Cheetah print! And Old Navy has good sales on now!!!!! Got some good summer stuff. Get down there before it is all taken over!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Educate the Ignorant

Ignorance is the most brutal trait in the world! Unfortunately it is constantly all around us. Ignorance is one of my most hated things. What people think the plus size life is all about is ridiculous. I am here to educate those closed minded individuals.

We are not all lazy: No I don't jog around my community but I also don't see every average to small sized person doing it either. My house is cleaned. I attend Zumba. I play with my child. In warmer weather I like walks, love going to the beach, I love swimming. I'm usually the first on the dance floor and the last one standing there at the end of the night. Anyone can be lazy...any shape, any size, stop pointing the fingers at us.

I don't eat junk a lot: Surprise!!! It is very uncommon that my home has chocolate, chips and junk food in the cupboards. I do not eat fast food on a regular basis, MAYBE once a month and a lot of times its subway. I do not like juice or regular pop. Please stop assuming you know what goes into my body!

We have a great sex life: Theres no need to go on with this topic. I cannot believe people think that because we got some fat we don't have fun in the bed. All I will say is the girl at the sex shop told me once that its hard to keep the plus sizes in, they are the best sellers! ;)

Our health is not horrible: Just an FYI I had more damn blood work the past 2 years for other things and they all came back in perfect health.

We do not smell bad: OMF! We have showers and baths in our homes also. We buy soaps and shampoos. We have our fav perfume. If someone smells bad it has nothing to do with size, that some personnel shit they need to take care of

We are not depressed: Its the same as everyone else. Some people are just depressed, some are not. I know for me, I am totally happy and in love with life. I also know for me that I stay away from ignorant assholes. Everyone wishes for something, doesn't mean they are depressed. PLEASE  stop feeling bad for us. I don't feel bad for you not going for that slice of pizza, don't feel bad for us when we do!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me: Yes they do! Names kill self esteem, names kill confidence. Stop being a bully. Bring people up in life. Give people something to smile about. Why do you want to be the reason that kid goes home everyday and cries? Why would you want to be that person that make that girl feel worthless because shes over weight? STOP! Us plus size ladies get enough bull shit from the top selling magazines!

Do not keep ignorant people in your life! It is just bringing you down. It doesn't matter their title. Family, co-worker, and old friend, walk away from them! It is not up to you to please the world. Its up to you for you to be in a world you love. So make it lovely!

Got some new stuff today! Pink lipstick, lovin it! And a new nail polish!

Stay you
Stay true
Stay confident

Julie ♥

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Out with the old, In with the new

Before I start this blog I just wanted to be clear....
Everything I say is my own opinion. Everything I write is my experiences and stories. I have a sailors mouth and will most likely swear in my blogs.
So Ive made a decision to take anything out of my closest and drawers that doesn't make me feel fabulous. If I put it on and I'm not happy with fit or whatever, its gone. I will no longer hold on to clothes that use to fit hoping for them to fit again, they will be gone. And those comfy fat jeans will also be gone.
I feel this is something all females should do. There should be no reason to be putting on clothing you paid for that you don't feel beautiful in. For every item of clothing I buy at least 1-2 pieces of clothing that I don't LOVE are in the garbage.
Shopping as a plus size female is not always the easiest task. Living in a small city we do not have many options. We have a few plus size stores, but sometimes in my opinion, I feel like I need to dress like a teen hippster or a 40 year old teacher. Not much of a selection. And when there is something I like it's like 50 dollars for a shirt, which honestly I cannot afford. I do like Old Navy for somethings but lately it seems like the new trend is clothes that hang and have no shape. This doll needs shape! I love LOVE Forever21 but that's for another blog!
I went shopping this weekend and I was totally surprised that
1. Additionelle had a major sale
2.I found more than a few things I loved and fit good
For me its hard where I'm so short things kinda don't fit as they should. Or I have small shoulders so with coats and stuff the shoulders are bunchy and the sleeves are super long.Don't be afraid to tailor your clothes. If its a fantastic piece then its totally worth it.
Its sad going through the mall not even bothering going into really any clothing stores because to these more popular clothing franchises plus size is non existent. Annoying right! But honestly you can find your style. It just may take some research and digging.
Anyways Im over the moon that I gave Additionelle another try. The last visit there I left pretty unhappy not finding one thing I liked. I guess it could be a hit or miss store, but Ill be going in more often hoping for a hit! The girls working that day were awesome! They were super busy because of the sale but still made time to make sure I had what I needed. It was never awkward because they write your name on a chalk board thingy outside your fitting room so when they asking questions you know its you they are talking to cause they say your name first. Tell me its not embarrassing when someone is asking questions on the other side of the fitting room and your one: screaming back answers.. when they werent even talking to you, or two: you don't even answer because you really have no clue if they are talking to you or not. So yeah lol I like the friggin name thing!
I bought 4 tops, 62 bucks for all 4 by the way, I got rid of about 8. Every week I will be buying myself something. Could be clothes, makeup, jewelry, shoes, purse... you get the idea. I never want to think I have nothing to wear or walk out of my house thinking it will do. I wanna be like BAM..mic drop shit. Everyone should be that way. Always feel good about yourself. That way you really won't give an eff what people think because you are too busy feeling fly ;)

I took some pics of my new clothes and my pile of bye bye stuff. Before that I have a quote by one of my fav plus sz models/public figure.
Tess Holliday: "I'm allowed to look sexy, feel sexy, and be in love. I am worthy of all of those things, and so are you"
Check her out. She is stunning and just awesome!!


Sorry bad quality of pics. Better ones next time... now that I know what I need to do to have them added!
Be you
Be true
Be confident!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I am Julie

I am not fat, I have fat. I am Julie.
I am a very short, 5 foot 1" to be exact, plus size female. My ass is as big as my belly and both are a very decent size hahaha. I'm ok with that, I'm actually more then ok with it. I, Julie, love myself :)
I am 30 yrs old and it took me too long to build the confidence I have. A lot of online media with full figured girls helped me. Youtube, blogs and looking things up on pinterest. So I decided to start a blog and maybe incourage someone to let their confidence out.... hopefully a lot earlier age than myself.
I was overly self conscience for years, too many years. I didnt go to the beach with friends, didnt go to certain events, didnt wear what I really wanted too. I ALWAYS thought people were starring or whispering about the "fat girl"
I knew if I didn't turn this attitude around I would look back one day, realize how much I missed out on and lay in regret.
Its not like BAM.... I woke up one day and was like , I love me, Im hot, fuck everyone else. Nope. I youtube confident plus size women and their stories. I started dressing in things I liked. I read postive quotes a lot.  I also talked to myself a lot.  Especially in the beginning, telling myself its ok to wear what Im wearing with thick legs. Telling myself you're hot. It helped.
Don't not care. Care more. Care about your hair, makeup and what you are wearing. Like what you are wearing, not what just fits. Pluck your damn eyebrows girl! Don't give up on all the little things because you got some fat on your bones.Walk out your door always feeling good about what you just looked at in the mirror. Get a full length mirror,  check out your fabulous body every day!
Don't care so much of what people think. I know, its hard sometimes. The more you don't care the more you will let you be you. Which is confident and beautiful. Everyone has it in them but only YOU can bring it out! So eff em! Seriously, why are you wasting your precious, short, amazing, fantastic life on what others think?????STOP.I'm telling you right now.... it doesn't matter if you are a size 2 or 22. If you have brown hair or red. What side of town you live on or what you do for a living... People are always going to talk. Do not let it affect you as a person. Especially weight. Society sucks but you don't have too!
I can't wait to share stories... like fat girl problems, that we would only understand. Old and new stories! Tell you about great finds in makeup, purses, shoes and clothing. Definitely clothing... its never an easy thing!

Nice meeting you,