Sunday, April 26, 2015

What I know at 30

Cannot make everyone happy- Not everyone will be happy with your choices. That's okay! If you are happy and not hurting anyone then don't worry about it. Someone is always going to have something to say. Shake it off and move on. Just keep smiling.

I Will NEVER look like I did at 20- Oh my early 20's... pleasantly plump! Ass round and sitting up nicely. Boobs that exact same as my ass. I won't have that body again..ever. It's ok. I've enjoyed more pizza then I should have these past 10 years ;) I had a daughter, carried for 9 months in this body. Things will never sit up like they did but I had 10 + years of good times. I have stretch marks, which I never tried taking away with creams. They are my markings of weight gain,weight loss and pregnancy. They are what I call my "journey marks." All of this I am proud of and embrace. I am 30, not 20. I will not wish or fantasize about looking like the 20 year old me. I will be the most beautiful, sexy and fabulous 30 year old I can be.

I can say No- Kinda going back to "making people happy"... if I have no time or I just don't want to do something.. I FINALLY learned that I can say no. The worse situation is doing something you don't want or being somewhere you don't want to be. It's okay to say "no." And you don't need excuses or a huge explanation. It's simple. I went out of my way far too many times for people who just turned around and pretty much shit on me. I say no a lot more often than I use too and I'm a lot less stressed with less anxiety.

Keeping Up- I do not need to "keep up" with the "Jones'." I do not feel the need to keep up with friends or family. I do not need equal to what they have nor do I need better. I hope to hell all my friends know I would never expect that from them either. We are a blue collared family. We live simple. We enjoy the simple things in life. If I tried to keep up with everyone we'd be broke, pissed and tired. I do not judge people for what they have or don't have, I'd like to be around those who do the same. For those who needed me to "keep up" are no longer around and that I am grateful for.

I will no longer wait- From since I can remember I was always waiting. Waiting to drop 10-20-30 pounds before buying that outfit, going on that trip or wearing a bathing suit. I will no longer wait. Life is too short to put it on hold. I refuse to lose weight before buying a new outfit. I will be at the beach with my daughter... in a bathing suit. I will go on trips and attend anything I want. My weight does not define me. My life and your life is too short to wait any longer.

I don't care- You don't like me, don't be around me. Don't like how I parent my child, you are not her parent. You don't like me wearing that cause you can see where my roll is, don't look. You don't like my relationship with my husband, worry about yours. Don't like my car, job, home, hair, friends, my family... I don't  care. I am living my life the way I want too. If you lived your life the way everyone else wanted you too, how boring. How sad. What kind of life is that for you?

Moisturize- Take care of your skin. Take your makeup off before bed. Use sunscreen. Moisturize!

Friends- A lot went, some stayed. I have a great group of friends that I love and trust and am completely comfortable around. I don't have a bunch of friends but the ones I have are all I need. Smaller group, less drama. Drama sucks. Do I feel the need to make new friends? No. But I welcome anyone with open arms. We will see if they are around in 5 years. I love people. I am a people person, but not everyone is my friend. I learned through the years not to trust so easily.

Family comes first- My daughter will get what she needs before my husband and I get what we "want." I will miss out on late nights with friends because I need to be up early in the am with my 5 year old. Hang overs last a lot longer than a few hours now. My husband is my best friend. I would pick a night of chats and a date with him then anything else. He is at the end of the day, the one who is there for me no matter what. I would drop anything for these two people. I will also fight, protect and defend them at any time. My family will always come first.

I am Good Enough- I'm good enough for any person, any clothing line, any job and any event. I am good enough for anything. So are you!

Stay true
Stay you
Stay confident

Julie  ♥♥♥

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