Saturday, April 11, 2015

Educate the Ignorant

Ignorance is the most brutal trait in the world! Unfortunately it is constantly all around us. Ignorance is one of my most hated things. What people think the plus size life is all about is ridiculous. I am here to educate those closed minded individuals.

We are not all lazy: No I don't jog around my community but I also don't see every average to small sized person doing it either. My house is cleaned. I attend Zumba. I play with my child. In warmer weather I like walks, love going to the beach, I love swimming. I'm usually the first on the dance floor and the last one standing there at the end of the night. Anyone can be lazy...any shape, any size, stop pointing the fingers at us.

I don't eat junk a lot: Surprise!!! It is very uncommon that my home has chocolate, chips and junk food in the cupboards. I do not eat fast food on a regular basis, MAYBE once a month and a lot of times its subway. I do not like juice or regular pop. Please stop assuming you know what goes into my body!

We have a great sex life: Theres no need to go on with this topic. I cannot believe people think that because we got some fat we don't have fun in the bed. All I will say is the girl at the sex shop told me once that its hard to keep the plus sizes in, they are the best sellers! ;)

Our health is not horrible: Just an FYI I had more damn blood work the past 2 years for other things and they all came back in perfect health.

We do not smell bad: OMF! We have showers and baths in our homes also. We buy soaps and shampoos. We have our fav perfume. If someone smells bad it has nothing to do with size, that some personnel shit they need to take care of

We are not depressed: Its the same as everyone else. Some people are just depressed, some are not. I know for me, I am totally happy and in love with life. I also know for me that I stay away from ignorant assholes. Everyone wishes for something, doesn't mean they are depressed. PLEASE  stop feeling bad for us. I don't feel bad for you not going for that slice of pizza, don't feel bad for us when we do!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me: Yes they do! Names kill self esteem, names kill confidence. Stop being a bully. Bring people up in life. Give people something to smile about. Why do you want to be the reason that kid goes home everyday and cries? Why would you want to be that person that make that girl feel worthless because shes over weight? STOP! Us plus size ladies get enough bull shit from the top selling magazines!

Do not keep ignorant people in your life! It is just bringing you down. It doesn't matter their title. Family, co-worker, and old friend, walk away from them! It is not up to you to please the world. Its up to you for you to be in a world you love. So make it lovely!

Got some new stuff today! Pink lipstick, lovin it! And a new nail polish!

Stay you
Stay true
Stay confident

Julie ♥

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